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Can Eating Dates Make Labor Easier?

Dates Make Labor Easier? Who Knew? AKA- Can eating dates make labor easier or will they just jack up my blood sugar and make my baby and me gain excess weight? Every single pregnant woman on the

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9 Essential Oils for Lovers

Spice Up Your Relationship by Incorporating These 9 Essential Oils for Lovers! P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }February. The month we celebrate love! Love is truly life's most precious gift and the

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How-to Guide for Turning a Breech Baby

a Midwife's Guide to Turning a Breech Baby One of the most frustrating things in pregnancy is to get to the end and be told that your baby is in a breech position and that, if she doesn't turn,

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Reclaiming Birth

Who Controls Your Birth? The power of Reclaiming Birth P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }I was completely inspired by a recent article in “Pathways to Family Wellness”, the magazine you often find

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2015 Mom Conference! Free Online Training

Happy Mamas Equal Happy Families!  Get the Tools You Need to Navigate Parenting Fearlessly! If you believe that motherhood is the toughest and most beautiful job in the world, we’ve got just

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DIY Dishwasher Rinse Aid

Make Your Own Dishwasher Rinse Aid, Save Money & Avoid Nasty Chemicals! Ever opened the dishwasher door to shove in just one more thing?Breathing in that cocktail of chemicals,

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Homebirth and Birth Centers in SC Under Attack Again

This Affects EVERY Birthing woman. Home Birth, Birth Center or Hospital! Today, our guest blogger, Nicole Lavallee, midwife and birth protector shares some compelling reasons why you may want to

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Oil Pulling Using Essential Oils

Oil Pulling Using Essential Oils The many health benefits of oil pulling has been understood for centuries by other cultures but is just becoming more popular in America. Oil Pulling is an ancient

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Easy Homemade Deodorant

Homemade Deodorant Using Magnesium Oil I am SO incredibly excited to share this new recipe with you! I've finally found victory in the homemade deodorant laboratory (aka my kitchen) with my Homemade

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Breathing for Natural Birth

Lymphatic Breathing A Natural Childbirth Skill You Don't Want to Be Without! Our lymphatic system is basically the sewer system for our body. Like the circulatory system for the blood, it has millions

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