the Crunchy Midwife's Guide...
7 Laws of Natural Prenatal Self-Care
Creating Your Best Pregnancy, Birth & Baby!

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Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share one of my favorite natural remedies with you. Essential oils have changed the way I do natural healthcare for both my family AND my clients. Quality is EVERYTHING when it comes to essential oils. It's so important to know exactly what is in the essential oils you're using on your family (purity) as well as have confidence that they are actually going to work for you when you need them (potency)! I'd love to serve you as you explore this amazing natural healthcare option.
Let me answer some questions you may have...
Who Am I?
I'm Lisa Byrd. I'm a wife, mom of 7, Gigi of 6, totally crunchy midwife and natural wellness educator. My passion is to love and support women, as they become the best mamas they can be in birth AND in life!
I've used herbs and essential oils for over 25 years. Before I became a midwife, I was a soap and natural toiletries maker with a booming natural body care business. I love tinkering in the lab ( kitchen) and playing around with new non-toxic recipes like body butters, chest (vapor) rub, deodorant, DIY make-up and lots of different green cleaning concoctions. I make my own dusting spray, disinfectant wipes, counter spray, soft scrub, floor cleaner...all of it!! It's fun but, more importantly, it's saving me a ton of money on the chemicals that were trying to kill us anyway! I LOVE that I have created a totally non-toxic home.
I'm also really confident that my trusted brand of essential oils can help me, effectively and safely, deal with probably 95% of the health needs that come up in a natural way.
This specific brand of essential oils has changed the way I do everything and helped me ditch a TON of dangerous chemicals in my home.
Let me be totally transparent with you. I was not in the market for essential oils when my client brought them into my office. I was definitely not interested in anything having to do with sales. I think I sold some herby thing once when I was 20 and I hated it. The truth is that these essential oils walked into my birth center and after an initial period of complete skepticism, caught my attention then changed my life. I was shocked and now I use them for everything!
I had tried a bunch of different brands over the years which did mostly nothing. When I found out what kind of "health" care power was in a small bottle of real essential oil (vs. the diluted stuff), it became almost criminal not to share them with others. Now, it's become a crazy passion. When I see what just a few drops can do to help a mama take care of her kid needs it is powerful! In addition to being a pretty cool midwife, in healthcare, I'm truly changing the world, one family at a time:)
How Does This Work?
The only essential oil brand that I'll use is sold exclusively through "wellness advocates" like me. Most of us work from home and introduce, share and educate about essential oils. The oils sell themselves. All of this happens through the power of connection locally and globally through websites like mine.
So get this picture. I make friends and love people enough to share, giving them education and understanding. The oils sell themselves because they work AND people can buy them for the same price I pay for them. It's a beautiful thing!
How to Order
Step 1: Click the purple button below to get all the details. You'll enter your email address there and then I’ll reply to you IMMEDIATELY with step-by-step information on how you can get started. ( **Be sure to save that email if you want to refer back to it. The system won't let you "subscribe" twice.)
Need help? CLICK HERE and let me know that you're ready to get started and I’ll help you figure out which oils or kit fits your needs best.
Step 2: Choose your wholesale starter kit (membership free) from the info I just emailed you or choose a few oils that you need to get going with (membership fee is $35 for this option)
Step 3: get your oils in just 3-4 days
Step 4: create a natural and chemical-free lifestyle with your new oils and enjoy your new "health" care freedom!
Your benefits With a wholesale starter kit
1) The wholesale membership fee is waived. Receive 25% off of your future orders (same price I pay)
2) Deeper (below wholesale) discount for purchasing a membership kit
3) Received our most loved and used essential oils
4) Get personal support from ME and join our support forums online.
5) Receive a free goodie bag from me (includes samples, a few empty bottles to fuel your creation and a super helpful essential oil guide)
There are no extra fees | No requirement to sell | No monthly minimum
Ready to Get Started? Click the purple button below and find out what my current special is!
Ready for more details about how to order? Click the purple button above and I'll email you that info, right this second!
Need personal help? Email me by CLICKING HERE and I answer any specific questions you've got! We can email or set up a time to chat on the phone at your convenience.
I'm excited to get to work with you on your non-toxic family projects!
Love and a Happy, Healthy Family! Lisa ( aka the Crunchy Midwife)
Lisa Byrd LM, CPM, CLC