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DIY Diaper Cream

Handmade Diaper Cream

The Crunchy Midwife's

Natural Baby Diaper Cream

Handmade Diaper Cream

DIY Chemical free diaper cream.

If the average newborn is born with roughly 237 chemical toxins in it's umbilical cord, then reason stands that, that number increases exponentially when we start introducing other chemicals directly to their skin, bath and home environment.

As a non-toxic baby crusader and midwife, my passion is to help you give your baby the best start possible by giving you tools to reduce your baby's chemical exposure as often as possible.

My DIY Baby Booty Butter is a really simple way to take care of that sweet baby hiney and not slather petrochemicals and other harmful endocrine disruptors over an area that is majorly vulnerable. the whole baby is majorly vulnerable, I just cringe at the thought of using fragrance and other DNA damaging chemicals on such a hormonally sensitive area....the diaper area.

Fear not! If you are a do-it-yourselfer, this will be super easy. If not, take heart because this is the simplest recipe ever. You can totally pull this off with just a few simple but safe ingredients. Your cutey's patootey will thank you for many years to come


2 Tbsp Organic Beeswax Pellets (like this)
1/4 cup Organic Virgin Coconut Oil (like this)
2 Tbsp Organic Shea Butter (like this)
2 Tbsp Organic Cocoa Butter (like this)

10 drops Lavender Essential Oil (Lisa's trusted brand info here)

10 drops Melaleuca Essential Oil (OR more info here)


Carrier Oils in Handmade Diaper Cream

Measure Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter and Beeswax into an *oven proof measuring cup.

​Beeswax Granules

Beeswax Granules for DIY Diaper Cream

​Place measuring cup into pan of cool water so the water reaches roughly halfway up the measuring cup.

Double Boil DIY Diaper Cream

Slowly heat over medium heat, stirring as your oils and wax melt. The wax will be the last to melt which is why I like the beeswax granules. Beeswax melts s-l-o-w. You can see the unmelted granules in this picture below.

Beeswax melting

Keep heating and stirring until you have a really clear solution. You should see no bits or lumps.

Remove from heat and carefully remove (the very hot!) measuring cup from boiling water bath and allow to cool.

After 15-20 minutes, you should see your clear solution starting to become cloudy. Stir the oils a bit to keep them from separating as they cool. baby booty butter recipe

Once at a soft butter consistency, it's safe to add your essential oils (resist the urge to add them sooner as high heat can reduce the wonderful, therapeutic properties your essential oils).

After stirring your essential oils into your mixture, pour into either a small glass canning jar or a tin. You do not want to put your Booty Butter into plastic. Essential oils can break down plastics and petrochemicals (which is great to support detox inside the body but not so great to slather broken-down-plastic-tub on your body). It kind of defeats the purpose when trying to remove chemicals and toxins, to store healthy products in plastic. Have I said that enough ways? Make sense?

Baby Booty Butter!
DIY Natural Diaper Cream

Cool further and your DIY Baby Booty Butter is ready to use!

This is honestly THEE simplest homemade baby product I've ever made! You'll save a ton of money on my Crunchy Baby series of handmade baby products AND you'll feel great about protecting your little one from harmful chemicals.

Win, win!

love & life,, Lisa

About the Author Lisa Byrd, SC Midwife & Natural Wellness Educator

Lisa Byrd LM, CPM Lisa is a healthy mama/baby crusader and a "crunchy midwife" in Columbia, SC with a passion to help families create a safe, non-toxic home for their families. She's is a mom to 5 amazing adults and "Gigi" to 5 beautiful granddaughters and 1 incredible grandson. She lives and works in Columbia, SC where her home birth practice thrives. Lisa travels to Charleston, SC, Greenville, SC and Charlotte, NC to teach classes on reducing toxicity in the home. When she's not catching babies, creating clean, fun concoctions in her lab (ehem, kitchen) or teaching natural health care classes, you'll find her playing in her metal arts studio or soaking up negative, life giving ions at the beach. "We are all on a health journey. The key is keeping it simple and finding joy on your journey!"

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